Saturday, June 13, 2009

Abbreviation hospital dance

do you see me?
let it be.

gotta go.

RN, UN, say it again.

rx, px,
CT ( cat) scan
scat man
let her try.

dnr, dni
what does it take
if you want to die?

cpr, ventilate
need to be able to masticate.
swallow this, life is hard.
can't say it much better than the Bard.

teeter totter, life on the line
look at me, kiss me
one more time.

MRSA, strep,H1NI is all the rage
as your lungs continue to rattle their cage.

tenacious, persistent, hand breaking grip.
okay, momma.
let it rip.

take a breath, we all need to do it
life is what you make it
so come on, get to it.
rally round the flag, El
family is your glue.
the bottom line is
we love you.

HS, am, pm, now
prn, qd, not time to take a bow.
( dictionary: PO: by mouth; NPO: not by mouth;DNR: do not resuscitate; DNI: do not intubate; HS: at night; TPN: total parental nutrition; qd: every day; prn: as needed)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

stable, for the moment

One of the important pieces of information medical personnel gather, whether assessing a medical or trauma patient is baseline vital signs.
It is imperative to assess each situation and understand the needs of the patient.
Is there a life threatening condition?
Are they stable?

Their vital signs are stable.

We all look for stability, amidst the everchanging and illusive nature of life.
Some call it Maya, which is defined as illusion.
Illusion is everywhere , and yet we all look for stability.Some more than others.
Yet,all we ever have is the moment. And, for now, my mother is stable.
Not in crisis.
So, does this mean it is the calm before the storm, as has been the pattern of so many months now?
Can any of us comfortably reside in the stability of the moment knowing that the very definition of life is change and growth?
For now, in the now.
Now is all we have.
...reminds me of an ol' Beatles tune.
You remember the Beatles, don't you?